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7 practical tips for navigating family dynamics as a couple this holiday season

With its cheerful atmosphere and joyful gatherings, the holiday season forces couples to confront the complex dance of family dynamics. In addition to enjoying the warmth of family gatherings, many people find that the holidays require them to manage the complex relationships that accompany them. Walking the fine line between promoting peace and accepting the difficulties that family relationships can bring is crucial as couples set out to create their own customs and shared memories. From managing expectations to setting boundaries and creating memorable experiences, it’s important for couples to not only survive but thrive amidst the unique challenges that family dynamics can present at this special time of year. (Also read: Sparking joy again: 8 dynamic ways to refresh and revitalise your stale relationship )

As the holiday season unfolds, couples find themselves at the intersection of love, tradition, and the intricate web of family dynamics.(Pexels )

A Couple’s Handbook for Navigating Family Dynamics During the Holidays

Clinton Power, Online relationship counsellor and marriage therapist shared in his recent Instagram post practical tips to help couples navigate the intricacies of familial relationships during the holiday season.

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1. Have a pre-gathering chat

Before you attend any family events, talk with your partner. Discuss what worries you both about these gatherings. It could be certain relatives who ask too many personal questions or topics like politics that usually cause arguments. Knowing these concerns in advance helps you both prepare.

2. Agree on boundaries

Decide together which topics you’ll avoid during family gatherings. For example, if discussions about finances or jobs usually lead to uncomfortable situations, agree not to bring them up.

3. Support each other

During the gatherings, stay supportive of each other. If your partner seems uncomfortable or stressed, find a subtle way to help them out of the situation or change the topic.

4. Plan your responses

Think about how you’ll respond to common questions or comments that might come up. Having a plan helps you avoid being caught off-guard.

5. Take breaks

If things get overwhelming, it’s okay to step away for a moment. A quick walk or a few minutes of fresh air can do wonders.

6. Focus on positive interactions

Try to steer conversations towards positive and neutral topics. Sharing good news or discussing common interests can keep the atmosphere light and enjoyable.

7. Debrief post-event

After the gathering, talk about how things went. Discuss what worked well and what you might do differently next time. This helps you both learn and prepare for future events.


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